Sign The Pledge! Join our coalition of parents, students, educators, taxpayers, community members, businesses and organizations who agree to vote as a voting bloc in November's election! Let our JCPS Board of Education, Superintendent, and Administration and others know that we will support their proposals to increase property taxes as long as they can demonstrate their commitment to stand up for JCPS' most vulnerable students. "I am a qualified voter in the Jefferson County Public School District, and I do hereby pledge to vote with the Stand With JCPS Coalition voting bloc in the General Election. I understand the voting bloc's support of the tax increase is conditional, and that the coalition will provide further guidance prior to the election in November."Name* First Last Email* Address* Street Address ZIP / Postal Code Birthdate* Current JCPS Board Member*UnknownDiane Porter, District 1Dr. Chris Kolb, District 2James Craig, District 3Joseph Marshall, District 4Linda Duncan, District 5Corrie Shull, District 6Chris Brady, District 7If you don't know, you can look them up here:*Add a message?You message may be posted on our website and social media with your first and last initials only. Δ View our privacy policy.